Thursday, July 23, 2009

Google Ads on Blogs

So i thought it might be an interesting idea to allow ads on my blog, stoooopid me hasn't been able to figure out HOW to get RID of those "I lost 20kgs in a week!" and other annoying ads and put ads for products I actually like and would even refer others to onto my blog.


If anyone stumbles across this and can be of help, please let me know :)

P.S: Ads have now been removed as I personally have NO INTEREST in looking at an ad for Foxtel Sports or some other such nonsence when I look at my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Truth about ads on blogs is that if your site gets 10,000 hits you may earn $3.27, if you are lucky. So, do not bother about what kind of ads appear. Cheers
