Monday, July 27, 2009

What part of IT DOESN"T WORK don't you understand?

So here in Aus, we have something called "The Australian Broadband Guarantee" - basically, it means that SOMEONE has to provide Broadband to your home or you can become eligible for subsidized satellite broadband.

The house my hubby and I live in is about 50 years old, and the telephone cabling is probably the same age, we also live on a floodplain.

So, needless to say, our telephony service is less than great. Matter of fact, we can't even use the landline phone because of all the noise on the line, no worries, we mostly use our mobiles anyway.
So we had the Internet only plugged in, and even though our connection speed was slower than dial-up, at least we had Internet.
Until about 2 weeks ago.

We've called our ISP, they outsourced to Telstra, who of course, claimed that the fault was beyond their line of demarcation (Explain then why the next door neighbour whose service is also fed out of the same pit has THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM) and that we would then be charged for any repairs.

Well, TO HELL WITH THAT we thought. So we called around to find out if, due to our situation, we'd be able to get a non-line-based solution.

EVERY OTHER ISP has tried to sell me line based broadband even after I've explain the line issues.


Another ISP has offered to "TEST OUR AREA" for wireless BBand, but for them to even come out and test, we have to sign a contract.

OK, rant over.

I really just want to check my Facebook and be able to pay my bills from home when it's convenient and my colleagues aren't looking over my shoulder. is that too much to ask??

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jersey Lovin

I think i may have solved my fashion crisis - or at least come up with one (ish) workable solution.

The backstory of this is i live in the tropics, yes, Sun, sand, Reef and Backpackers. As such, the town where i live is SUPER CASUAL. Kind of good when one's having a lazy day, except for someone who has a fashion lust and a SERIOUS shoe fetish, a diet consisting mainly of thongs (read-flipflops for non Aussies) and denim shorts with t-shirt is really limiting.

I can only really bust out the boots on our 3 days of winter or if it's raining. Otherwise i get the "What the hell are you wearing???" faces from strangers. BOO!

So, in keeping with the ULTRA casual tone of the town, but also satisfying my NEED for SOMETHING resembling stylish, i think drapey Jersey might be my saviour.

I'm lusting after flowey batwing sleeved jump suits, maxi dresses, wrap skirts with long ties and tops with interesting statement pieces.

There are some great pieces on Etsy but each have certain elements missing.
Looks like i'm gonna have to make them myself .Pity my sewing skills are limited to sack bags and pillow cases. Hmmm.

One of those days

I hate it when my husband goes away - getting to sleep is hard, even though I KNOW no-one comes to our house and if they make it past our 2 enthusiastic guard dogs - Bless their little hearts, they'd be doing pretty well - but I still imagine someone creeping through the house or breaking into and stealing my car, You know, things I'd never worry about if my husband were home. BOO. I sound crap and co-dependant.

So, after struggling to get to sleep last night, I then struggled to get out of bed this morning, hey, getting out of bed at 4.30 is HARD.

That PLUS the radiator issues that i started having yesterday with my car (I swear, it doesn't rain, but it pours with that car - everything breaks at once, Radios broken, new windscreen on order, some weird rattling something falling off noise, leaves in the fan intake and the AC's not working either) getting to the ferry carpark this morning was an event, double check that i've locked the car, and onto the boat.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Google Ads on Blogs

So i thought it might be an interesting idea to allow ads on my blog, stoooopid me hasn't been able to figure out HOW to get RID of those "I lost 20kgs in a week!" and other annoying ads and put ads for products I actually like and would even refer others to onto my blog.


If anyone stumbles across this and can be of help, please let me know :)

P.S: Ads have now been removed as I personally have NO INTEREST in looking at an ad for Foxtel Sports or some other such nonsence when I look at my blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Honestly, who does that! I see people fighting with each other in the "comments" parts of websites. WHY???
So, in the interests of just being tacky I suppose, I decided to do it on mine - HA.