Friday, November 6, 2009

If a tree fell in the Forest.

Would anyone notice?

This, this is the genius in of my plan. Being such a teeney-tiney little fish in what has affectionately been referred to as the "Blog-o-sphere" - Does anyone else imagine massive sci-fi space stations when they hear this? - I more or less have the freedom to say pretty much any damn thing i want.

Because I check the counter, I can rest assured that nobody comes here but me.

And I can say anything I want - yes, yes I can.

My poor, poor hubby if often shocked at the crazy, left-fielded things that come out of my mouth, well he signed up for it after all - but still he often seems surprised. Ok, not Hannibal Lector or Emo-kid crazy, more like cat lady eccentric.
At least thats how i like to see myself anyway. And I have to consciously "tone it down" when I'm around people other than those I consider close friends, who lets face it, are a little nuts themselves - but thats what i like about them!

The point being, "filter" be dammed, I'm gonna say what i want, and just as the invisible man cruises around doing what he pleases without fear of recrimination or judgement, so shall I.

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