Monday, August 10, 2009

Ian Kenny and Dickhead Crowd Surfers

I really think my assertion that Ian Kenny is the new Iva Davies is 100% spot-on.

Thursday night hubby and I went to the Birds of Tokyo concert, and although I would have ratherd (is that a word - is now) that we were going to a Karnivool concert. I'm still enjoying BOT.

I feel bad for the first supporting band though, the guitarist was OFF HIS FACE (way to impress people - IDIOT) and the sound techs should be ASHAMED of themselves.

I've never heard anything so bad and distorted. Everyone was complaining.

The vocals were way too low and the drums were way too high and it was LOUD - not in a good way either.

The second support band was Numbers Radio, not really my cup of tea, and again, way too Loud and distorted, we hung out outside and played pool until BOT came on.

Talk about a full-house! Everyone was going mental and having a great time - such a great time in fact, that people were crowd surfing.

Now might be a good time to point out that this was at an INDOOR venue, approx. 30m x 50m (i.e SMALL). It also might be a good time to mention that this was close to midnight and almost everyone was well marinated by this point.

So picture this, a SMALL CLUB, FULL OF INEBRIATED PEOPLE and dickheads crowd surfing overhead.


A few people were treated few small cuts on the head and bumps.

To their credit though, the bouncers did have their hands full and did eject these idiots as soon a they got their hands on them.

Back to the concert, Ian Kenny was AWESOME!!! Despite the fact (or rumour, either way) that BOT had to cancel a concert a few days prior due to Ian having a sore throat, he pulled it off and rocked out.

So BOT is the "Commercially Successful" and PC band, I still however prefer Karnivool and recommend EVERYONE check them out.

However, Birds of Tokyo are fantastic live and a must see. Now if only Muse come to town...